
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Paralympian Boggle

 Hey guys! This blog post is about Paralympians! (By the title of course) This was one of my activities I chose to dol This activity is about using the word "Paralympian" and make other words out of it. (2-3 letter words give you 1 point, 4 letter words give you 2 points and 5 letter words or more give you 5 points!) and you just write your total underneath it or any other way you like! These are all the words I have come up with. (Hehe :D) Anyways I hope you have a good day and enjoy looking a my blog (Cause I'm watching you from afar :DD) (Just kidding) Bye! :))))

Monday, August 30, 2021

Junji Ito

 Hey guys! so I think probably for the past few days I am going to be doing a 1 episode review on this anime called: "Junji Ito" Because I felt like it! From the name of it I think it's going to be cool! (Also it's a Horror so be warned!) I will just be doing a review on episode 1 because I have a feeling this will take too long and my fingers will hurt from typing. Although I might do another review on the next episode (There are 12 episodes in total) Here are some images of it! !!Trigger warning!! The following images may make you scared, disturbed, unsettled so please view it at your own risk:  

Episode 1:

Honestly I didn't find it that scary it was just a little bit unsettling but not to the point where i got scared, it was just weird I guess. All that happened is that there is this guy named Souichi and I think he's the main character but I am not sure but he is basically like a Voo-doo person cause he has these dolls and he puts them on trees and puts pins on them and for some reason this guy died. I think it was someone from Souichi's school but I don't know. He also buried one of his classmates in dirt with their head sticking out, but they weren't dead, he just put them there and also had a doll buried exactly like the person. There is also an old man that owns the area of where Souichi pins dolls onto trees and he's trying to figure who it is and when he find them he's gonna kill them. And yeah those are basically the main parts of what happened, but so far I am enjoying it.

Also Souichi is the guy that is smiling very weirdly in the picture but I have no idea who the other characters are yet.
Anyways Thank you for viewing this blog post and I hope you have a good day! Bye!
Also if you're interested in watching this watch it at your own risk! If you want to know where I watch it just comment! Anyways Bye! :D

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Adam hall

 Hey guys! So for this week we get to choose a task from the taskboard about Paralympics!

I chose an activity which was called "Paralympian factfile" and that's where you choose a paralympian and basically do research and find facts about them. I chose Adam Hall. This activity took me about 20 minutes to complete.  Anyways I hope you enjoy looking at my factfile and I hope you have a good day!! Bye! 

Friday, August 20, 2021


 Hello guys! Two days ago I drew a random thing, I was very unsure of what it would be. I drew a guy and I named him Osmium. Honestly I have no Idea why I named him that but it just sounded cool in my opinion. (Osmium is in the periodic table.) Anyways I just thought it would be cool to post this on my blog. This drawing took me about half and hour to finish which isn't that long for a detailed picture in my opinion. I was gonna draw his whole body but I didn't, so I only did his side profile. I hope you enjoy looking at my drawing and also he is very pretty! Bye! :D